Dangerous Goods (DGR)
Valuable Cargo (VAL)
Live Animals (AVI)
Perishable Cargo (PER)
Human Remains (HUM)
Lost Cargo

Dangerous Goods (DGR)

Articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment and which are shown in the list of dangerous goods in the Technical Instructions or which are classified according to those Instructions are called as Dangerous Goods.

Pegasus Airlines policy for the carriage of dangerous goods is based on the current IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.

Class 3, Class 8, Class 9, UN3373, UN3481 & UN3091 Section II only, Excepted Quantities, ID8000 (must be covered with leakproof nylons in addition to recent packaging requirements mentioned inside the current IATA DG Regulations).

In addition to Class 9, shipments containing magnets are prohibited.

Important notice: Dangerous Goods in Limited Quantities are forbidden, except ID8000!

Valuable Cargo (VAL)

Valuable cargo means a consignment which contains one or more of the following articles:

  • Any article having a declared value of carriage of USD 1000.00 (or equivalent) or more, per gross kilogram; except in the United Kingdom GBP 450.00, or more per gross kilogram;
  • Gold bullion (including refined and unrefined gold in ingot form), dore bullion, gold specie and gold in the form of grain, sheet, foil, powder, sponge, wire, rod, tube, circles, mouldings and castings, platinum, platinum metals (Palladium, iridium, ruthenium, osmium and rhodium) and platinum alloys in the form of grain, sponge, bar, ingot, sheet, rod, wire, gauze, tube and strip (but excluding those radioactive isotopes of the above metals and alloys which are subject to restricted articles labelling requirements);
  • Legal banknotes, traveller's cheques, securities, shares, share coupons and stamps (excluding mint stamps from United Kingdom) and ready for use bank cards and/or credit cards;
  • Diamonds, (including diamonds for industrial use), rubies, emeralds, sapphires, opals and real pearls (including cultured pearls);
  • Jewellery consisting of diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, opals and real pearls (included cultured pearls);
  • Jewellery and watches made of silver and/or gold and/or platinum;
  • Articles made of gold and/or platinum, other than gold and/or platinum plated.

Live Animals (AVI)

Cat, dog, frog, leech, animals can be laoded to multi loadable containers. All spices that can be eaten regulated in TACT 2.3. This kind of live organizms are not accepted by Pegasus Airlines.
Live Bees, Chick and Tropical Fish etc. are accepted to be loaded on our aircrafts upon request and pre-approval from Pegasus Airlines and/or WCS Operations Department. WCS shall check the aircraft type (not allowed to carry live chicks with A320-A321), availability and payload limits before giving approval.)

Perishable Cargo (PER)

Cargo that can be perished with natural factors such as heat, moisture, weather and in a certain timeline

Human Remains (HUM)


For domestic reservations and information:

Sabiha Gokcen Airport Office
7/24 Operation GSM: +90 549 827 53 40
E mail:

Requested documents for reservation;

  • Death certificate
  • Burial certificate   
  • ID Copy of accompanying person


Domestic funeral transportation will be carried out according to the following fare classes defined in the ticket sales system.

As of February 01, 2025, prices will be updated as follows.

HUM 1 (12 years and over) 3.500 TL (VAT included)
HUM C (0 - 12 years) 2.300 TL (incl. VAT)


  • Funeral should be brought to the airport only 2 hours before the scheduled flight.   
  • Funeral can only be accepted inside an enclosed solid wooden coffin in order to prevent leakage.   
  • Cremated human remains are not accepted by any means for transportation.    
  • Acceptance to Turkey only from abroad is permitted. (There is no restriction of HUM transportation of which the death reason is infectious diseases, which comes from the international airport and transfer to the domestic airport in Turkey). HUM which has died in Turkey due to infectious disease will not be transported regardless of the Destination. Laissez-Passer for Human Remains form needs to be declared before acceptance. The information must be filled and signed to receive the acceptance from the office of border health division.

International Human Remains Transportation


Human Remain shipments from Turkey to abroad, "Pegasus Cargo" works with IATA (International Air Transport Association) certified freight forwarders. All processes need to be completed before the scheduled flight by the freight forwarder (customs procedures, documentation, pricing, etc.).

Necessary Documents:

  • Consular document
  • Death certificate

Stated documents must be transported with funeral.


  • Funeral should be brought to the airport only 2 hours before the scheduled flight.
  • Human remains can only be accepted inside an enclosed solid wooden, zinc or lead coffin which is covered with canvas sheet, plastic folio. 
  • Cremated human remains are not accepted by any means for transportation.    
  • Acceptance to Turkey only from abroad is permitted. (There is no restriction of HUM transportation of which the death reason is infectious diseases, which comes from the international airport and transfer to the domestic airport in Turkey). HUM which has died in Turkey due to infectious disease will not be transported regardless of the Destination. Laissez-Passer for Human Remains form needs to be declared before acceptance. The information must be filled and signed to receive the acceptance from the office of border health division.

Lost Cargo

For claims related to lost or damaged shipments, please contact Pegasus Airlines’ Cargo Operation Control Department. You can also send an e-mail to or

For claims we need:

  • Letter of claim issued, signed and stamped by the shipper or consignee as recorded on the airway bill (letter of claim should clearly describe the problem, the reason for the claim, and the amount claimed) 
  • Master Airway Bill    
  • House Airway Bill(s) ( if applicable )    
  • Commercial Invoice (except for personal belongings)    
  • Packing List     
  • Authorization Certificate (if the compensation claim is laid by third parties)     
  • Certificate of Release (if the compensation claim is laid by insurance companies)


Pegasus Airlines do not accept following goods as cargo:

  • VAL Valuable Cargo  
  • VUN Vulnerable Cargo    
  • AVI Live Animals    
  • DG Class 1, Class 2, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6.1, Class 6.2 (except UN3373 Category B), Class 7, Dangerous Goods in Limited Quantity (except ID 8000)
  • Liquid shipments (except DGR)
  • MAG Magnetized Material
  • FIL Undeveloped/Unexposed film

Only under limited conditions, restricted goods can be accepted as shown below:

  • Max acceptable weight is 160kg per piece. This weight can change according to final destination.    
  • Sporting gun shipments only be accepted on request with a pre-approval. (Valid import license, proforma invoice, check list must be forwarded to us and commodity should be sporting hunting guns)    
  • Only, live bees can be accepted on request with a pre-approval.


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